A Pompous Jerk Who Claimed to Be a Writing Professor Just Left Me an Elitist Comment

Go back to your four followers and your whiny articles about how nobody likes you

Walter Rhein
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
6 min readMay 4, 2023


Image by Walter Rhein

I received a comment this morning that made me chuckle because it was such a pompous and passive-aggressive thing to say.

“You remind me of my students in my college-level creative writing class…”


For those of you who didn’t grow up with a narcissistic father, let me dismantle what he’s doing there. In a dozen words, he managed to:

  • Establish a hierarchy (I teach…)
  • Put himself at the top of that hierarchy (It’s a college-level class…)
  • Take a swipe at my talent level (by comparing me to one of “his” students)

I honestly didn’t need to read anything else because I’d already learned everything I needed to know. A dozen or so retorts came to mind:

  • Are you one of those creative writing teachers who has never had anything accepted for publication?
  • What specifically about my statement reminds me of your students? Your comment lacks clarity.
  • I once had a creative writing teacher who gave me a bad grade and refused to…



Walter Rhein
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I have 10+ years experience as a certified English and Physics teacher. 20+ years of experience as an editor, journalist, blogger and novelist.