A Terrifying Nightmare is Still Enveloping the U.S. — and It’s Getting Worse: An Update

Can the U.S. survive the coming 2024 election and its aftermath?

Richard Lowenthal
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Back in early December ’23 I wrote an article with the dark headline “A Terrifying Nightmare is Enveloping the U.S. — and It’s About to Get Worse.” In that article, I presented several likely (dire) scenarios for how our November election and its aftermath might play out.

Now, fast-forward to today, three months later — and these terrible scenarios, which ALL revolve around a disputed rematch between Biden and Trump, are looking even more likely.

There have been several influential political or judicial events over this 3-month period — and none of them are positive:

  • Nikki Haley, Trump’s one remaining challenger, did so poorly on Super Tuesday that she just conceded defeat and dropped out of the running.
  • The Supreme Court, in its infinite folly, gave Trump a great gift by allowing him to stay on the ballot everywhere, and by also gutting the 14th Amendment’s ‘anti-insurrectionist’ provision. The court decided that only Congress can enforce it — which would require a resolution and bill from Congress, which is highly unlikely in our long-gridlocked Congress. Thus, the Supreme Court…



Richard Lowenthal
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Former counselor and current diligent observer of our sociopolitical scene. I celebrate the spirit AND reason, and try to ‘connect the dots’ in my writing.