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A Visit to the Penis Museum

Iceland’s Phallus Palace

Elizabeth Sobieski
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
8 min readSep 22, 2023


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Hi Men!

If someone says you are hung like a giraffe, take it as a compliment, as giraffes have the second largest land mammalian sex organs after elephants.

If a lover tells you that you are hung like a bear, this is not perhaps the kindest of comparisons, as bears are rather under-endowed for their size.

I had arrived in Reykjavik, Iceland, on an unusually sunny morning at the end of August, checked into my hotel — well, tried to check in but was too early — and wandered the streets instead.

I came across a sign indicating The Icelandic Phallological Museum.

A penis museum?

This I had to see. I entered a hallway full of cartoons, kitschy phallocentric artwork, and a short biography of the museum’s founder, Sigurour Hjartarson, an Icelandic former school teacher, headmaster, college Spanish professor, and Latin American history and Spanish language scholar and translator.

This museum contains Siggi’s personal penis collection, acquired over fifty years.

I perused a government certificate from 2017 declaring that this is the world’s largest exposition of phalluses, featuring 284.



Elizabeth Sobieski
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Elizabeth Sobieski @TheMaskedHatter on Instagram, has written for various publications and is the author of “The Masked Hatter-Pandemic Style", Penser Press.