About Shawn's Bookstore

What is Shawn's Bookstore and why should you visit it?

Iyere Perpetual
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min read6 days ago


Screenshot of Shawn's Bookstore

Everyone has gone through a phase in their lives that shaped them and made them into a stronger or weaker person. It could be an encounter with a bully, rape, repentance, forgiveness, or death of a loved one. However, people’s pain points and trauma differ but there’s a book for everyone at Shawn’s bookstore.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Shawn’s bookstore is an online store that comprises e-books, audiobooks, and blogs on personal development, spirituality, personal growth, religion and faith, relationships, and mindset growth.

In this mini article, you'll discover:

  1. The birth of Shawn’s Bookstore
  2. What is the mission Shawn's Bookstore seeks to achieve?
  3. Why do you need a book(s) on personal development, spirituality, mindset shift, etc?

The birth of Shawn's Bookstore:

It is exponential that before you know about the store and how it came into existence, you should know about the founder, Shawn Horton.

Founder: Ms Shawn Horton.

Shawn Horton is a woman who has experienced her own share of heartbreaks, joy, trauma, domestic violence, and abuse.

Like I mentioned earlier, everyone has gone through or will go through a phase that will shape their lives positively or negatively but in Shawn’s case, it moulded her to be stronger.

Shawn was a child who had her own share of society’s cruelty. As she grew older, she had a prerogative that self-care meant looking good, making different hairstyles, doing her nails, and basically just being fashionable. Until she learned to love herself.

Eventually, she went into the dating pool when she felt she was ready and she got lucky; she married a man who loved her. They started a company together, birthed children, and their business flourished but eventually failed. Things took a turn and life as she knew it was gone. She was domestically violated by her husband who was frustrated and this led to her losing sight of herself.

Eventually, she gathered the courage and ended the marriage by reporting her husband to the police. It was a rough journey but she scaled through. It was a tough ride but she made it.

Sometime after her divorce, she took to writing as therapy and in due time, she started to heal and found herself through intimacy with herself, self-love, forgiveness, and spirituality. In her own words, “I need to break the cycle of trauma, it ends with me, not my kids.”

Thus, Shawn's Bookstore was born.

What is the mission Shawn's Bookstore seeks to achieve?

Growth, mindset shift, self-love, personal development, strong mental health, and forgiveness. These are the major reasons the bookstore exists.

Shawn created the website from a place of self-love, encouragement, and support to help men and women, young boys and girls, old men and women who have struggled with pain, unforgiveness due to any form of hurt, depression, domestic violence, anxiety or bad relationships get better at finding themselves and learning to love themselves.

Most books on the website contain stories, personal experiences, and a practical guide each reader can relate to. Also, each chapter has activities a reader can work with to get results.

The goal of this website is an improved mindset and personal development for the reader.

Why do you need a book(s) on personal development, spirituality, mindset shift, etc?

You need a book from Shawn's Bookstore because as our faces are different, so are our heart desires different.

Everyone has a personal struggle whether it’s low self-esteem, anxiety, trauma from bad relationships, or whatnot. You need a book and it’s not just about buying it, you need to comprehensively digest it to soak in its essence.

I tell you this because Shawn has put in a lot of effort to make sure people are free and not broken so that society would be filled with people who are energized to live despite what they have been through.

Are you ready to give it a try? If yes, click on this website and delve into a world of books, thoughts, and audiobooks bustling with practical tips for your development. You’ve got this!

There's a free e-book waiting for you on the website.



Iyere Perpetual
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Poet, Freelancer, Efficient Orator, Content Writer and Storyteller