I did a thing

Accountability, Man

Some need it more than others

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash

I’m not even going to bother with all the “I haven’t written on Medium in months, but that’s ok because I’m back for good!” stuff.

I mean it every time I write it, but future Julianna usually has other plans, and I’d like to be as true to my word as possible.

The last time I wrote it, I was in a frenzy cramming for my upcoming AP exam, and after that, my regular school exams! Then I had a summer class, service work, general forgetfulness, etc.

Despite the fact that my mood is always better when I’m social on this platform, sharing my thoughts and practicing writing, I always forget about this little part of my life when something else comes up…

…something that I could be held accountable for by others.

While I’m aware that it is by no means necessary for me to build a habit of writing on Medium, I sure would love some accountability to help me do so! Otherwise, I’ll be off again, cleaning out my closet for the third time this summer or building my next redstone-powered farm in Minecraft.

I guess I’m implying that at the time I wasn’t stressed out about school or writing on Medium, I was doing random, unproductive shit. While that is partly the case, it certainly isn’t completely true.

I took a moment to de-stress from the school stress, and in that moment, I found that I wanted to build healthier habits. So I tried!

And failed.

But I tried again, and this time, I learned from my mistakes; before, I had put way too much on myself at once, doing workouts I didn’t like, trying to completely cut out sugar (which barely lasted a day), and not even THINKING about opening the All-Powerful, All-Addictive Social Media.

These are great habits to build, but they weren’t personalized, or even built, at all.

I started taking it slow — I found workouts that were less intense, but I liked more, during the daytime I would switch out sugar for something healthier, like fruit, and still have ice cream in the evening, and I put Screen Time limits on social media, which I could elect to ignore if I really wanted to (although I usually just needed a reminder to go be productive).

Broski, you just gotta take things at your own pace — Photo by sporlab on Unsplash

These habits are still there in my day-to-day life, and I feel great!

So great, in fact, that I’ve begun to hold myself accountable for those habits, as well as other self-improvement-based things I’ve been meaning to do, like taking free online courses (Coursera is my new live laugh love).

My mental health is better, my physical health is better, and I suppose my emotional health is better… these habits are great!

One of the few unfortunate parts of these habits is the fact that they don’t include Medium.

Medium was one of the things I stopped doing in order to focus my brainpower on self-improvement, but by now, my habits are solid enough that they can become a part of them.

I’m not sure why I didn’t do this earlier. I always feel great on this platform!

This is my not-promise that I will be incorporating Medium into my normal schedule and spend time and effort building a habit for writing.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for reading about…something. Accountability, I guess? Perhaps my ✨mental health journey✨ that definitely isn’t over yet, but has come a long way. Maybe that little promise above, which those couple minutes of reading have led up to?

For whatever reason it may be, I appreciate your time and interest in this blog. Stay accountable!



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m a young writer here to improve my skills and support the community | Still trying to find my "writer's voice", but having fun along the way