Back In My Day

Amber Fraley
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo by Katie Rainbow 🏳️‍🌈 on Unsplash

Speaking as a proud GenXer, I get really irritated when I see GenXers online talking like conservative Boomers.

“We didn’t used to have all this trans, non-binary queer shit back in my day!”

Nope. We just had gender-bending androgyny that triggered our parents. Remember that?

I sure do.

Image provided by author

It’s one of the things I loved, and still love, about Eighties music and fashion. It was brash, irreverent, fun, in-your-face, and best of all, it upset the older generation.

Now, our kids are simply taking it a step further, and asking, “Why is gender such a big deal, anyway? Must we all confine ourselves to such tight gender norms?” In response, it seems as though half my GenXers have their panties in a hot, tight wad over it. (I hope it’s not that many, but some days it seems like it.)

A couple of years ago, I observed a GenX Karen bawl out the Nike corporation on Facebook for their new gender-neutral advertising. How do I know she was a GenXer? Because Karen was using…



Amber Fraley
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Writing about abortion rights, mental illness, trauma, narcissistic abuse & survival, politics. Journalist, novelist, wife, mom, Kansan, repro rights activist.