Photographic Exploration

Barnyard Landscaping

Rurexing — Black and White Photography


This barn is on a small working farm. It backs up to my son’s then brand new elementary school. Between the owner’s landscaping and the school’s barrier landscaping, it’s completely hidden now. When I last ventured to the site to photograph there, I found that those trees have grown to completely obscure the barn from view.

Taken 08 April 2010, with an E-600 Olympus Zuiko Digital ED 40–150mm F4.0–5.6, by D. Denise Dianaty

NEWS: Thanks to a few very generous folks who donated to my KoFi account, I have been investing in some new art supplies. I already bought a couple of excellent sketch diaries and am assiduously work on a couple of pieces.

One of the drawings is that stipple pen and ink I promised someone — whom, I cannot immediately recall — in a comments thread (I think). LOL. Anyway, the stipple drawing is underway.

What is “stipple” you may ask? Stipple is an art technique, usually with ink or piercing the art surface, or forming raised points to create a pattern or image. In this case, it is using dots of ink to shade the drawing and give the image its form.

It’s taking a lot of dots. You go a little crosseyed doing it. Plus, there’s a peculiar tension with which you must hold your hand while you layer in those dots of ink. Even with two different sized nibs, the…



Author, D. Denise Dianaty
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

"Life's joys are found in the small moments. Never let those moments pass uncelebrated. Embrace the joy!"~MomzillaNC