Being the Other Man Often Equals Anger, Paranoia, and Moral Deficiency!

Also Bitter Recriminations for Your Mental Health and Spirit

Elwood Watson, Ph.D.
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Guy Stuff Counseling and Coaching

Several years ago, a prominent mayor admitted he had had an affair with the wife of one of his supposed best friends. Not surprisingly, the story became big-time news in the mayor’s city. Local news media outlets asked numerous people their opinions about the scandal. Reactions ranged from indifference to shock to outrage.

What was notable (at least to me) was the number of men interviewed who stated that the affair was not the issue; rather, the issue was that he had it with the wife of one of his best friends. Indeed, this seemed to be a common sentiment among more than a few men.

My reaction was, “Wow! Are you serious?” It seemed that for many men, having sex with another man’s wife/girlfriend was fine as long as you were not friends with/did not know the man. A few years ago, I was reading an article about men who step outside of their relationships. In essence, such a man would be considered the “other man.” In interviews, men provided information about the behaviors/activities they would engage in if they were interested in another man’s wife or girlfriend:

  • One man said he would leave some squirts of shaving cream in parts of the bathroom as a…



Elwood Watson, Ph.D.
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Historian, Syndicated Columnist, Public Speaker, Social-Cultural Critic. Professor of Black Studies and Gender Studies, at East Tennessee State University.