[BEWARE] Regressing Online Users of All Platforms Start Now

People get bored with the Internet world and everything is monotone

Ikada Mario
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
5 min readMar 20, 2023


Photo by mk. s on Unsplash

Is this the final chapter of the online world or is this the beginning of something new? Remember, everything has its own peak, everything has its own glory and everything has a lifespan… That’s for sure.

You may ask, “are we getting older and wiser, or Internet really leaning toward a certain political agenda?” Well, the answer is yes and no. Let me explain why.

  • Yes, yes the majority of people on the Internet around the world are tired of every kind of virtue signaling and subliminal message through movies, arts, and music. And yes rotation of the content is getting harder each day, therefore, most of the time quantity is the main reason people can grow.
  • No, no because people are tired of certain people but the door of option never gets old. And some people really want to see what they want to see and some political agenda is rooted in a huge number of people.

Besides all of the political agenda types of things, any important societal aspects getting compromised with so many virtual signaling such as education even in the school system.

I swear to God, deep down in the pit of my heart, I have no resistance to changes. I enjoy it when people get what they think they deserve and when they feel they fit in, and I’m not here to judge.

I guess I want you to know…

Let’s go.

“Edutainment” is filled with scams and opinions of “my truth”

People believe the school system is failing. So much information about self-made millionaires and the mindset of money equals to happiness. Advertisement of hollow-empty life has no filter at all, people started to look for a newer form of platform to get all shape of profit; money, fame, and dopamine.

If it is true that basic patterns of human behavior are fixed at an early age — and the data increasingly persuasive — then it becomes important at the earliest possible age to teach for tomorrow so that man can regain as rapidly as possible the needed balance between wisdom and the mere exercise of technological power.

Still, other reasons for future-oriented approaches to elementary education suggest themselves. Every ten years, for example, a complete recycling of the elementary-school population occurs.

This gives education an important new chance periodically to improve its contribution to the future through better instructional methods leading to a more perfected product.

Furthermore, for the individual, a future-focused role image can be of appreciable importance to the child as a magnet toward which he is drawn as a context and concept.


Everyone notices how these “online-educator” ruin the child's lives rather than build them good character-future-promised-personality. People are getting harder and harder about the “phone” policy toward their children.

The app and the web getting more polarized and so is the content. At the same time, web3 doesn’t really provide a significant change in macro perspective.

The content of learning

Through and through the reason why people on every scale of age gap dive into the Internet is always that they want an answer. A straight answer to their question. Why do think a 76-year-old lady from Texas suddenly open Youtube? for Cardi B? No, it's because she wants a homemade honey pancake recipe!

“Such a switch would create or accelerate curriculum trends and changes that carried us” — Anonymous Online Educator

Im going to tell their point in this one.


  • Mass teaching
  • Single learnings
  • Passive answer-absorbing
  • Rigid daily programs
  • Training in formal skills and knowledge
  • Teacher initiative and direction
  • Isolated content
  • Memorized answers
  • Emphasis on textbooks
  • Passive mastery of information


  • Personalized teaching
  • Multiple Learning
  • Active answer-seeking
  • Flexible schedules
  • Building desirable attitudes and appreciation that stimulate a quest for knowledge
  • Child initiative and group planning
  • Interrelated content
  • Problem awareness
  • Use of many media in addition to texts
  • Active stimulation of intellect

These are the what-so-called, new conception of what constitutes fitting content and of the qualities of a suitable psychoemotional and social climate for learning.

My friend even Einstein himself cannot absorb this Internet kind of information at the same time. This goes hard in the direction of ultra boredom of learning for the youth.

Well, “you can just change the channel into entertainment like music you know” Oh of course WAP will be good for the repercussion for this. All entertainment that still tastes like entertainment can be counted as vintage content.

Entertainment and virtue signaling

I don’t want to deep into the name of artists, music, or movies whatsoever but I want to tell you this.

Such future-directed learning via entertainment industries should decrease inequality in the ability of all persons to engage in effective, receptive, and expressive communication in their many forms, including the inaudible but eloquent languages of gesture and expression.

Now if you really see what happens is the opposite of what they declared/promote. These targeted methods clearly just aim for the money profits not a single tiny bit about personal or communal liberation.

The development of an image of a “good” future world implies a number of new characteristics of entertainment methods. Thus, it requires preparation without indoctrination, the extensive use of inquiry as a method of instruction, and continuing development of open-mindedness which is a prerequisite to inquiry.

That somehow, somewhat also involves an understanding of the meaning of “duty” to one’s society, the instrumental color of entertainment that makes one useful to himself and to his fellows, expressive shows that lend meaning to the individual human life, and the will to laugh at — and even pleasant irony — have become diminished by the canned “overkill humor”.

My thought

What is needed, in addition to many basic 180-degree turns, is a new conception of what constitutes fitting content and of the qualities of a suitable psychoemotional and social climate for learning.

We need a better understanding of Internet edutainment experiences that will implant, without numbing indoctrination, a wholesome future-focused self-image in the mind of the audience.

We also need to conceive of a desirable emotion to stabilize a matrix in which the audience (young & old) become secure and self-directive in the acceptance and pursuit of a satisfying role image on any platform.

More self-advice it would be; content should involve knowledge for “use” rather than for “possession.

