Burnout Can Take You Away

When you’re balancing on a wire above the flames, don’t sneeze

Rachel D Adams
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

So, in April and I’m handling a bunch of trips, appointments, and events. I thought, sure… I can handle two Medium articles, one Ream Story episode, bi-weekly newsletters, social media promotions, blog posts, client articles, and Camp NaNoWriMo — maybe add in some revisions around all that.

No. No, I can’t. I’m not superwoman. I’m super…as a woman…but not superwoman. I know my limits!

I’m so glad I finally recognize my limits. When I didn’t, I was in danger. If I try to accomplish all of that in April, I’m going to hit burnout so hard I’ll feel like someone shot me from a cannon straight into an inferno!

I know better. Why? Because I know what burn-out feels like in an extreme case — at least extreme for me. I never want to do that again, little on do worse.

What happened?

I was going through the motions one day for my supervisory position at a well-known healthcare organization in the state. I routinely got the youngest child ready daily and saw them off on the bus. Then, I drove 45 minutes to take our autistic son to his school. From there, I fought traffic to get to my workplace, another 45 minutes. This was my work route every day, twice per day.



Rachel D Adams
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

(she/her/pan) I’m not a well-behaved woman. I am an ally, amateur photog, content creator, novelist, empty nester, traveler, wife, & friend.