But, Did You Die, Though?

Life is always "lifeing"

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Life is a wild ride, but none of us make it out alive — Photo Source: Pixabay

Far be it from me to be the one to undermine anyone’s pain or trauma.

As someone who has been known to be a tad, let's say, melodramatic, the way others so quickly minimize grief that isn't their own has always infuriated me.

Nevertheless, here we are, smack dab in the middle of another low-vibrational Ivy Locke rant.

You see, one thing about me is that I hate hypocrites.

I'm totally fine with having disagreements based on unique views and experiences.

However, if you give me some insight or advice, I'm going to need you to follow it as well.

Unfortunately, I've found that most people tend to operate on the "do as I say, not as I do" motto, which led me to the following realization.

You people are hypocrites!

Now, you're probably wondering who I am referring to when I say "you people." I am quite literally referring to the masses.

For years, I was "doing the work" to overcome past trauma while also collecting scars from new nightmares that have emerged along the way.

Now, ideally, someone would have swooped in, in real time, and provided me with tools, resources, a strategy, or something…



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

They call me “the voice of the people,” but I can only speak for myself. Find "Everything Ivy" here >> https://linktr.ee/IvyLockeWrites