
Flowers from Beyond- A Valentine’s Day Ghost Story

CE Savage
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Ilona Panych on Unsplash

A ghost doesn’t haunt a house. It haunts a person.

Frank had read this somewhere, somewhere he couldn’t now recall. It was shortly after everything had started and he had been sure he was losing his mind. He still wasn’t sure that he wasn’t losing his mind but at least others had seen the little yellow flowers that started appearing shortly after he had been released from the hospital.

The first flower had been easy to explain, at least until he thought more about it. It appeared very early one morning on his doorstep after he had wakened, sweat-soaked, from a nearly sleepless night of tremors and screaming visions of horror. It had been right before dawn, and he had stepped out onto his small front porch to clear his head.

There in the frosty morning air centered perfectly on the weathered wooden landing had been a small, perfect, bright yellow flower. A buttercup Frank had thought. Maybe, he wasn’t sure, but he seemed to remember his mom pointing them out to him as a child long ago.

Maybe it had blown in off the meadow nearby? Frank had recently moved to a place left to him after his mom had passed away. The cottage was situated on the outskirts of town and there were woods bordering the property and a pasture that would likely hold these…



CE Savage
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Fiction writer, software developer, artist, former military and smart ass in training https://linktr.ee/cesavage