Buying While Black: My Two Cents

Niknesha Hairston
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJun 17, 2022


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

There is nothing like a good dose of racism to shock you back into reality and remind you of what type of world we live in. I went to an open house and the realtor in my opinion did everything in her power to keep me from getting this house. Before you, naysayers chime in let me explain the situation and you can decide.

So after viewing the house I had my broker put a bid in.

Action 1: The realtor told my agent that she wanted me to be preapproved by her bank. My agent told her no because I was already preapproved. He even had my mortgage broker call her to reassure her that they are a reputable bank.

Action 2: Next, she asked my broker, if I could afford to pay the closing cost if the seller could not. He responded yes. She asked for proof. I submitted my bank statements which had more than enough (downpayment and closing costs). She responded that that was not enough proof. I then sent her my entire economic portfolio (retirement, TDA, and stocks and bonds).

To make the pot even sweeter. I offered to give her 10,000 above the asking price if the seller paid the closing cost. This meant that the seller would have been walking away with 10,000 extra.

Action 3- After I went above the price she went ghost. She did not return my agent’s call for an entire week. When she finally called back she said that she gave the offer to the seller but he did not want to do the deal because he didn’t like the type of mortgage I had.

They wanted me to apply for a different type of mortgage. This mortgage would have been way more expensive for me. WTF right? I don’t know about you but if I’m selling something I don’t care how the buyer gets the money as long as they pay me.

In my opinion, I am sure that the realtor felt like she was just doing her job and she was doing what was best for her client. But no matter how “legal” her tactics were to me they definitely were not moral. This just reminds me that people with power who have hate in their hearts will do anything and everything to maintain their hate.

Only minorities came to the last open house and I’m sure that only minorities will come to the next one on Sunday. I guess the funny thing is she tried to keep me out of her neighborhood but I currently reside around the corner from her lol. Something has to be done about these racist practices. This is my part.

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” — Archbishop Desmond Tutu



Niknesha Hairston
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Writer, Teacher, Lover of Knowledge. On a journey to find what makes me the happiest in life and do it forever.