Calliope is a Troublemaker, but we love her just the same!

Trent Fox
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readJul 24, 2022


She is a Calico and she is definitely feisty and unpredictable!

Photo by Author

Our little Calliope (nickname Callie) is just 4 months old and already rules the house with an iron paw. She is a Calico and is constantly on the move, looking for things to chase, other cats to harass, dogs to aggravate, people to ignore, other cats' food to eat, and finally a chaser of cockroaches.

I experienced that last one this morning. I made a fresh pot of coffee and was looking forward to sitting at my computer, sipping my coffee, and catching up on all things Medium. Thankfully I had just set my cup down on my desk when I noticed Callie rushing toward me at light speed, swatting at something on the floor. She looked like a hockey player chasing a puck down the ice toward the goal.

But in this case, the “puck” was a large cockroach, and my foot was apparently the “goal!”

As she raced by she smacked the roach, sending it flying right at my foot, where the dizzy insect tried to climb aboard to escape the cat attack.

I am a large man with bad knees, so I am not particularly agile, but this morning I would have captured the gold medal for gymnastics as I let out a loud scream, and spun in a circle, all the while violently shaking my right foot, attempting to dislodge the…



Trent Fox
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am retired and at age 72 I am writing about growing up in the South and living in CA. Also about 30 years performing stand-up comedy.