Can Knowing Your Star Sign Help You Deal with Stress?

Astrologers believe that a person’s star sign impacts how we handle stress. Is this possible?

Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Image by the author via Canva

We all deal with stress on a regular basis. Some of us are good at dealing with it, but others; not so much. I fall in the latter group. For the most part, I have been dealing with stress pretty well. That was until my sister died two years ago.

Suddenly, I found myself not dealing with the grief at all. In fact, it was so bad that my health was suffering. I wasn’t sleeping well and I was emotional most of the time. Talking to friends who were going through or had gone through the loss of a loved one helped. However, it took me until recently to find some relief.

The other day, I realized that I was sleeping better and was also dealing better with my emotions. But it also got me wondering if there were other things at play that could help me or others better deal with stress.

So, in doing a little research, I came across some information on how people born under different star signs handled stress. Really, I thought. That seems a little strange, but why not? After all, there is a lot of information on how different star signs have certain personalities or traits. Why not handle stress differently as well?



Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m a blogger, writer, and interested in helping people find answers for living their best life. I also write on