About Me and My Art
Characters Reflected in Costume
A collection of some fictional character drawings
As my readers know, I am an artist. From the time I could hold a pencil, I used it to draw. In fact, I started writing rather late because I simply wasn’t interested in anything but drawing.
I failed the first grade because I didn’t learn to read. I’d get bored or distracted with lessons and just jump up to grab drawing materials instead of following the lessons. Additionally, no one in my home read to me or my siblings beyond the very limited readings sent home with us from Sunday school. Even then, more attention was given to making sure we colored those lessons “properly” — i.e.: no coloring outside the lines and using Mother’s choices of the “correct” colors for everything — no orange skies or purple trees, or rainbow-winged angels nor brown Jesus was allowed.
The next year when I was set to repeat first grade, my beloved Gran convinced my parents to enroll me at a school in North Carolina and give her limited guardianship while I lived with her. In this new school, with a much smaller class, Gran and the teacher worked together to teach me to read.
Gran worked with me back at home on my reading and my lessons. Every evening after lessons, she would hand me my sketch…