Style | Fashion | Internet Trends

Clean Girl Aesthetics, Step Aside — Mob Wife Is Coming

Eastern Europeans suddenly in fashion

Midnight Young
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


When you live in Midwest America, this time of the year doesn’t have much to offer. Saturday afternoon? Chances are, you’re strolling across a shopping mall. A coffee here, a new book there… Maybe we can stop by Ashley’s to steal some home decor ideas.

It hasn’t been a year since we moved from London, but the panorama somehow sunk in. I still flinch at the sight of Americans strolling along in their PJs. Mind you, some didn’t even bother to put shoes on — they’re still in their slippers!.. But it’s part of the canvas. I suppose, there’s beauty in everything. And being able to wear anything and go anywhere is a type of beauty here in America.

Being born in Eastern or Central Europe most of us are subjected to scrutiny before we would learn how to walk. The culture is saturated with strict unwritten rules. Some seem like an anecdote, especially if you’re a woman (dating too young is not serious, go and get educated, then go, work hard to climb a corporate ladder… but oh, twenty-five and not married?! you’re an old maiden!..).

Many of these cultural norms are flat ridiculous. But at the same time, they emphasise who and what we are. Modern lifestyles shed most of them, but some — will stay. Because we like ourselves more when we live according to them.

My dad has never seen Mum in a messy state. Even in his senior age, he is also very much put together. Many people perceive it as being shallow. But in our culture physical appearance and presentation are seen as a form of respect. And it goes both ways — respect for oneself and respect for the other person.

On the other hand, it’s also a form of sending a subliminal message: I’m doing well — look how healthy and radiant I am! I’m put together, thus I’m a trustworthy professional!

Schools have uniforms, universities sell their merch. Some companies enforce strict dress codes. Sure, nivellation at its finest. But it’s not to erase one’s uniqueness. There are many ways to express ourselves even if we’re subjected to a dress format. For example, I have a funny taste in jewellery and mismatched earrings are my thing.

And that’s exactly how we go about our daily lives. Immigrants or not, wherever we live we maintain our natural standards. Getting the trash out?Heading to Target? Be sure: I will do my hair and change my clothing.

(Not only do we wear slippers at home, we also have home clothes — something a bit more comfortable and functional… but still nice!)

Fashion and internet trends are such fickle things. We had a good laugh when Dark Academia became popular — all of us living in London suddenly became fashionable!.. Everyone raved about turtle necks, tartan skirts and woollen blazers. Need glasses? Even better! Cold outside? A Gryffindor scarf will do!..

Then came the Clean Girl Aesthetics — capsule wardrobe, muted tones… It went well with the basics from Dark Academia, but with less stuff in it. At some point someone must have had the epiphany to recycle their fashion items — that’s how Quiet Luxury came to be.

Until the Mob Wife Aesthetic kicked through the door. Because there’s nothing quiet or clean about it — dark or bold tones, statement pieces of jewellery, loud accessories.

It’s funny how dark romance or dark fantasy readers whipped up this trend. After classic styles, pastel colours and clean combinations, this is definitely a fresh new look. But it somehow feels like a poor caricature.

Image by Duchess Dior (

I’m brimming with ideas — visiting the furniture shop was a success! We’re back in the main avenue, perhaps we should stop by the food hall to grab a bite.

Pyjamas and slippers, sweatpants and hoodies walk past us as we find ourselves closer to the food area. Orange chicken, here I come, — I think as Panda Express comes into my vision. Mouth watering, I’m swimming through the ocean of dubious fashion choices.

But suddenly — a glimpse of hope. A radiant creature floats her way through the food hall. Her beautiful dark dress is hugged by a gorgeous metallic belt, and a pair of boots match the handbag (as if they were from the same exact fabric!..). A black fur coat adorns her shoulders and beautifully curled luscious hair cascades down her sides. She notices me and a smile of recognition flashes on her face.

The Eastern / Central European woman is in fashion now. The rest of the world can chase the Mob Wife Aesthetic, but we’re The Aesthetic.

My scribbles dive into a variety of topics. Yet whether I scribble fantasy or horror, highly opinionated or research-driven pieces, I hope it leaves you with something to ponder: makes you feel better (or worse?..), strikes an inner monologue (hopefully, voiced out in the comments!) or simply gives you something to chew on, inspiring to keep the creative ball rolling.

Thank you for reading!



Midnight Young
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Baltic soul, British heart, living under American skies. I explore the multicultural identity, but don't shy away from fantasy and mazes of real life.