College Campuses Merge Far Left With Far Right

Hating and harming Jews isn’t liberal

Jeffrey Kass
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


AI-generated picture of student holding a non-peaceful violent sign calling for “armed resistance”
Photo by AI-Generator on Shutterstock

Today’s political spectrum is like a circle.

The middle, or moderate approach, starts at the top of the circle. As you move down the right side of the political circle, that’s where more conservative ideas start to land. As you move down the left side, liberal philosophy increases.

I tend toward the more liberal side of the circle on 70% of the issues, although I live by a quote I heard years ago:

I’m open-minded, but I’m not so open-minded that my brain falls out.

Yet an interesting phenomenon has resurfaced recently.

As a person veers further right, all the way down the right side of the circle, and as a person becomes more extreme on the left side, the left and right converge at the bottom and end up with similar policies and ideas, even if their self-stated motives are different.

They’re both aiming for a non-peaceful world with no democracy where one point of view is shoved down everyone else’s throats. They’re both in favor of violent struggle to achieve their goals. They’re both unwilling to hear any information that might challenge their thinking.



Jeffrey Kass
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad