Crafting Emotion: Tips for Writing Confliction.

“The Quality of Our Lives Depends Not on Whether or Not We Have Conflicts, But on How We Respond to Them.” — Thomas Crum

Kaylee Writes
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Unsplash. Edited by Kaylee Gotsis.

I Thought Making an Article About Confliction Would Be a Good Idea but I’m Not too Sure Anymore… Just Kidding! See What I Did There?

I know, I know. I’m hilarious. You can stop laughing now and start reading again.

Okay, but seriously. Confliction is so important for a good story.
Think of it like this:
Having conflict or confliction is like a spice in a dish- it adds flavor and making things interesting. It can create tension, keep the reader wanting more, and keeps the story moving forward.

So, what is confliction?

Confliction: Experiencing opposing emotions.

What Are Some Obvious Physical Signs that Could Be Perceived as Conflicted?

Facial Expressions:

  • Lips pressed together.
  • A smile that wavers.



Kaylee Writes
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I write easy to read, ADD friendly, articles about writing tips. 🍑author 🍑illustrator 🍑most importantly, a mother!