Crying Wolf: ‘Antisemitism!’

What I began as a response to an article on the prevalence of antisemitism uncovered an expanse of falsehoods throughout the narrative, and that the author purposefully warped his story for sympathy where none is deserved.

Christopher Grant
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
6 min readDec 9, 2023


Photo by Chris Slupski on Unsplash

I knew nothing of this story before tonight. It is so stupid, it could only be hatched within a particular segment of Congress. The three female presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT were asked if ‘calling for the genocide of the Jews would violate their institution’s code of conduct or rules regarding bullying or harassment?’

I found the article in my Medium feed:

You might want to read that piece first (if you can stomach it).

What a pathetic charade the congressional hearings on college antisemitism were, a sleazy, shameless semantic trap orchestrated by politicians in office by the dirty grace of selling their integrity for Israeli-lobby campaign funds.

First of all, ‘Calling for the genocide of Jews’ implies it is a trending topic, that people are actually asking this question. THEY ARE NOT.

Second, these political catamites (those not Jewish themselves) believed such a question asked of three very intelligent and hugely accomplished women would be answered with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’

So, either these men are absolutely stupid or they were told to ask this moronic question … this is proven by the fact that all three leaders replied with a need for a ‘context.’ They did not choose to support or deny the question’s implications, they wanted context.

And that, apparently, is enough of a ‘no’ to justify an obscenely infantile temper tantrum by supposedly mature men, and a flurry of threats by wealthy Jews to cease their financial support.

Though, if we’re being honest, the presidents’ answers to the most idiotic question of 2023 didn’t spark this blaze. Earlier in the week students held a pro-Palestinian rally at Penn and it was there that ‘antisemitism’ was first screeched.

Let’s now refine the question referred to ‘calling,’ as in vocalising an opinion where others might have heard, and not said standing face-to-face with a cornered Jewish student. Nor was there any grafitti or vandalism involved.

Now You

You imply you are a professor whose job it is to present all sides of a story, but you certainly abandon any and all professionalism here for the sake of a rhetorical, FICTIONAL question.

In fact, you quickly shrug into your hasba-rat gear and come out wrapped in your biased arrogance and straightening your cloak of condescension.

1. If we replaced …

Using any other group instead of Jews would have elicited exactly the same responses, but you’re not here to hear truth … no, you not only assert pro-Palestinian protestors are pro-Hamas, you equate a peaceful student march with the KKK, renowned for their violent racism, ‘in white robes carrying torches stomp(ing) through their courtyards and public spaces’ …

I’m going to ignore your childish insistence on equating Palestinian supporters with supporting Hamas (unless you’re okay with my lumping moderate Israeli Jews in with the rabid madness of illegal Jewish settlers).

Why would they not call for an intifada, considering more than a century of deceit, duplicity and provocations designed to justify an overwhelming violent response? You are the villain in this tale, your kin the brutal colonial occupyers. No one called for genocide of the Jews, but don’t you find it even slightly hypocritical that the Jews are guilty of Palestinian genocide?

2. ‘Microaggressions’ …

Are you making up words, now? And demanding and end to free speech in case even ‘one’ person is offended? Grow up. I’m not silencing myself because you or another doesn’t like what I say.

Your next statement is a blatant lie. If you have to fabricate falsehoods to make your point, then perhaps your point isn’t as solid as you pretend it to be.

Jewish students as a group are far more favoured and protected than — how dare you? — black students …

And what the holy f**k is ‘institutional antisemitism?’ Do you even know what degree of antisemitism would need to exist to properly apply this term? I don’t think you are trustworthy, and certainly not at a standard where you should have access to young people.

  1. The history …

Man, but you go all in. Your ‘long and dark’ recount of college antisemitism is about as accurate as anything else you’ve written, which means it is neither lengthy nor accurate.

Your example of Charlotte in 2017 just fails again and again and again. It did not take place at the University of Virginia, nor were the demonstrators students. It was a protest march of ‘Unite the Right’ white supremacists whose hatred for African Americans FAR OUTWEIGHS their resentment of Jews. In fact, of the stories I read, perhaps there were a few lone voices condemning Jews, but the vast majority of chanting was anti-black.

What gets me, though, is how you think anti-black is below your notice but the random antisemitic chant NOT ON A CAMPUS is sufficient reason to force academia to bow to your cries of ‘Wolf!’

Poor MIT student having to face the consequences of her complicity for crimes against humanity incurred in her name. No Jews at the music festival deserved to die any more than the children of Gaza do, and it WAS stolen land.

Is there a growing hostility towards Jewish students? If every Palestinian is a terrorist, then every Jew of the diaspora shares the guilt and hatred for her fellow Jews in Palestine. I do not believe, for a minute, that Jewish students have been afraid to leave their dorm rooms.

Do Jews deserve a state? Does any particular group ‘deserve’ a state? Maybe your delusion of entitlement is influencing your word choice. I have nothing against a Jewish state which holds a place among the nations of the world AND which recognizes human rights, international borders and accepts the full authority of international law.

Israel holds to none of these and is, in fact, an apartheid state who denies it by asserting that all Israelis are equal under the law, using dishonest semantics to ignore the truth that Palestinians are not citizens of Israel. Where civil law guides Israeli Jews, Palestinians fall under military law where they have no rights whatsoever.

So what if Israel is the only Jewish state? Who else have you set your colonial sights on? Your source for your Arab statistics is no more trustworthy than you, seeing as it is the Israeli government. And what of the Arab states of the world? Some of them are religious, yet none remotely resemble Israel’s religious insanity.

How would stripping away the entire state of Israel be any different than the Jews stripping away Palestine from Palestinians?

Were they calling for the destruction of Israel? ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free,’ says nothing about destroying Israel, only that Palestine be accessible to all. It’s not the Arabs who are unwilling to live among Jews, it is you Jews who refuse to share.

Do you see the elephant in the room, yet?

None of the conflict in Palestine would be happening, none of Gaza’s children would be crushed under the rubble of their homes if not for an absurd and asinine Stone Age myth used by converts, not descendents, as permission to impose relentless violence and evil on another people and pretend to shoulder no blame.

Anti-zionism is not antisemitism, though neither label restrains me from criticizing either or. Neither Zionists nor Jews are above criticism or accountability. The difference between us is that my hatred is for a primitive cult of entitlement, whereas you hate everything not you.

So, after countering your lies and propaganda, exposing your utter lack of integrity and an inclination to embrace falsehoods as a means to curry sympathy, I think my response should also stand as a post, with, of course, a link to your piece.



Christopher Grant
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Life long apprentice of Story and acolyte in service to the gods of composition — Grammaria, Poetris and Themeus.