When You Think You’ve Seen It All

A Bizarre Sighting at a Train Station

Monica Ray, M.Ed, MS
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


A dance partner for life (credit: Monica Ray)

I thought I’d seen it all before.

Rats hauling pizzas, women in full Victorian garb on trains, a man carrying a table on his head. The list goes on.

Such is life in a big city.

Yesterday, I was changing trains at Times Square and had to stop dead (pun intended) in my tracks.

Lively salsa music drew me in. A nattily dressed skeleton in lipstick and a hat made me miss my train.

The man was completely into the vibe as he twirled his flexible partner around. How do those heels stay on?

I’d like to think he purchased the skeleton and has a quirky sense of humor. The other alternative is a bit more macabre. Dead partner he cannot let go of?

In any case, it brightened my day and gave me something to talk about. We all need a touch of quirky and strange to help our otherwise monotone days, don’t we?

Have you seen something even quirkier and more bizarre on your travels?



Monica Ray, M.Ed, MS
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Top and Boosted Writer. I write food/travel pieces centered around the UK, India, and the US. I also cover writing. Follow me on Instagram @monicaonthemoveray