Member-only story
Dear Hollywood,
This is the last time I will tell you why you are failing
We the fans have told you why we don’t like what you’re doing. We keep hoping you will learn from your mistakes. But you keep insisting on giving us what you think we should want. You put representation ahead of storytelling, representation that in some cases already existed. We are tired of being used and abused by people who turn the stories and characters we love into your bastardized fan fiction. I am leaving you. And it may be futile, but I’m going to tell you one more time why I’ve had enough in the hopes that maybe someone at the studios will listen.
I am not obligated to give you my time and money.
Both are limited, and I have to pick and choose how I spend them. Some things interest me; some don’t. If you offer something that looks interesting, I will give it a chance. I will look at trailers and previews. If it looks like it might be worth my time and money, I’ll spend it. If it doesn’t, I won’t. It’s that simple.
If it’s an author, actor, character, director, or series I’m already a fan of, I’m more likely to be interested. But even then, I may or may not buy it. I’ve had bands that I absolutely loved one album. Then the next album comes out, and for whatever reason, I don’t like it. The same with…