Disneyland for Grownups

Anthony Krut
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


The air is crisp, winter in San Diego more specifically Coronado Island. Holiday season in full swing, families flooding to see the lights, and what a display, few, if any, would be disappointed. The Hotel Del, an iconic landmark, an architectural marvel, host to movies, celebrities, dignitaries, opened in 1888 to much fanfare. It remains a major destination for those visiting San Diego.

It’d been a while since I’d been down this way at this time of year. The vibe, a release from years of Covid, palpable. Young, old, smartly dressed, shorts, denim, all shapes and sizes, stumbling around the ice rink built each year right on the beach, an interesting irony, landing on their asses, all the while marveling at the incredible display courtesy of the hotel. No expense spared.

A table near the spot we last occupied, the musician in view, beard a lot longer than I remember, an overall Covid hangover look, his skills, however, intact as he runs through his set of regular tunes before a break, backed up by the obligatory Christmas favorites.

The sign on the table lets us know it’s reserved for those planning to eat, something we had no intention of doing since we already ate, requiring me to shove it under the table. I’ve always said/heard that, as you age, you give less of a shit about what people think. Couldn’t agree more. I now do things I’d been loathe to do in my younger days. Nothing terrible, just some stuff that follows reason (mine), not the multitude of numbing signs polluting streets, neighborhoods expecting us to toe the line.

Turns out we were effectively renting the seats at a rate of about $100 p/h, this based on the bill for the two drinks consumed, pass it around, keep it flowing, share the wealth, and all, a small price to pay for being a participant in the reveries, the pinnacle for people watching.

A walk around the property, greeted by one photo op. after another fully anticipating a grown Mickey (he is, after all, around 94 years old) to pop out of something. Not tonight, this is Disneyland but for big kids.



Anthony Krut
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

My way of getting words on paper. Not too much editing, just thoughts, feelings, anything that strikes on the day. Images are mine, mostly.