Do Not Fear One

Part 1/2 — In the spirit of remaining authentic, I must admit that I too am still afraid

N.R. Earley
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

The matter of why we fear has eluded my person for quite some time, but not the fear itself, no; it ceases to elude me or, rather, I it. That much I’ve known for a while. Until today, I didn’t necessarily understand where or why it came to be.

Why We Fear

Fear, when existential, is singularly rooted to disbelief therein a being’s spirit; it (fear) is derivable from any number of sources regarding that of which said being believes itself incapable of rising thereunto, then above and/or beyond, thus achieving fulfillment in what we know as progressive continuity.

Perhaps it’s been described in fewer words, but upon understanding the above passage, I hold a more confident sense of belief that I might overcome more of my fear(s) in days to come than in time prior to today

Long story ever so shortened — Do not fear

Look for the second part of this story.

Thank you deeply for regarding my work with your time and energy. It’s not unlimited, and I appreciate it so much more than mere diction can hope to properly express. As always and, perhaps especially, tonight:


NR Earley



N.R. Earley
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Level 30:)Gone to find who it is I really am, rather than a short list of things I like doing. Until then, check my “About me” or my pinned story on my profile.