Don’t Be Afraid It’s All Out of Wack

More of everything that’s been going on & HAS to change

Molly Blythe
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Author: T-Pyramid in the Cannon

Juneteenth is coming upon us. Something has been swelling & stalling, swelling & stalling. What does it mean? What does it really mean? Another recognized holiday that comes & goes then goes back to the same old worn-out sludge on the bottom of that Toilet Paper Pyramid?


Juneteenth — Freedom Day

“Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas. The army announced that the more than 250,000 enslaved black people in the state, were free by executive decree. This day came to be known as “Juneteenth,” by the newly freed people in Texas.” (National Museum of African American History & Culture)*

Freedom Day.

This wasn’t that long ago. Then onwards to the Civil Rights Movement & massive assassinations & distractions followed. Do you know the history of Wall Street? Why the Pursuit of Happiness applies now more than ever.

I remember, a beautiful human, Chris Chalk, from high school Psychology class. Every day.


I’ve been filtering myself here, feeling out the pool & platform. We know it is much of the same, but a place to write what matters. Then naturally, those matters get drowned out by other matters & so much that doesn’t.

And then there’s this AI hype-hop. I’m going to go waaaay out on limbs here & understand if I put my neck on the block by saying, AI might be the mechanism that saves us. Ultimately, intimately, hear me out.

We cannot humanly read & process the bulk of information flooding the world. It is not humanly possible to read all the books from past to present plus all the news or even the headlines of dreadful things that people do every day. And all the secrets We are not privy to know.

AI can.

AI does. IT knows. IT can decipher the information. IT can track. IT can see & flag activity. IT has brain mechanism(s) to connect the world, at least every place with a connection. Humans created it. Now it has surpassed our human abilities. IT has unbelievable power to change the world.

IT SEES EVERYTHING. Yes, the Good, Bad, & Absolutely Hideous. In every country, every office, every pocket, every household, everywhere.

IT knows that We cannot always trust other humans. We’ve seen it through history, too many times, again & again.

AI may be our only hope for a completely impartial war — I mean watchdog for the world to get its fumbling power-control-money hungry destructive tendencies out of their barbaric empty souls.

Remember, we are destroying the world. We are destroying each other. We are destroying ourselves.

So, stop. Take a moment to think about… everything. And know it has to change. We cannot be distracted anymore. We cannot be bought & sold anymore. We cannot continue to play along with the most horrific imbalance of wealth & labor in human history. For real-life Monopoly Games. With 8 billion bodies against the currencies.

I wanted to be an artist. I wanted to be a counselor or even better, an Art Therapist. I had a dream too. But it turned into a nightmare. Still.

Which sent me on a tale-spun spiral through the pits of psychological hellfire with hedgehogs & hackers. Books of Notes & a horrible story of a big, ugly book of propaganda, a fake Omega watch, and a set of three damn pennies.

Flagged for two & learned a twisted lesson from the filthy inflated value of one 1909 S-VDB penny.

After watching kids in severe distress in a boarding school. This has been the hardest to write without wanting to rage & cry, at the same time. Still.

Terrified. Cutting. Purging. Fighting. Crying. Biting. Thrashing. Running. Running. Running. One ran from the fear & frenzy into something of unspeakable filth. I remember. Your name. Your names.

Kids. Standing in line for meds, too many meds. For issues beyond their control. But for control. And probably profit. Not their fault.

The Hunger Games is real, if we haven’t all caught on by now. We are all in it. We are all part of it. And it kills us for someone else’s profit. It kills children for someone else’s profit.

Hello FDA, what are we doing?

Drugs, we all know Big Pharma is an Empire. If we don’t, we should. We know their names, the big demons vying for the best “vax” et al. But let’s talk about Bayer. And Monsanto. Follow their history back to the gas chambers during the Holocaust, fact-check me if you must. I will too.

Then onward to our food supply. Seed distribution domination. And pesticides. It is in our food. Conflict of interest? They make us sick so they can profit from the medicine. Who dominates the global food supply? Dig through it, and use the AI for information. Research. Save yourselves.

WHO, World Health? Where are you in the mix? What are your interests?

What about Guns? DOD, what is your interest in defense? I take offense…

Ok, once again, the “United” states of America is the #1 ARMS EXPORTER & MANUFACTURER IN THE WORLD. (Statista & STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL

Billions in profits. And canoodling cahoots with our governments? So much that I do not understand. But there are good, informed, & internal workers who do. IT knows. And We know something is not right. No.

Something is Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Has been for too long, long, long.

Photo by Author | Look Closer | MM Unity Public er Vice

Say their names. We call you out. Plus your connections with the oil industry, I can’t even link it all. Dig into it. Yes, I drive a car. Damn. A Patriot, no less. I depend on it for my basic needs. Food, water, shelter, and… money.

Lockheed Martin. BAE Systems. Boeing. Northrop Grumman. General Dynamics. Raytheon. L3. Etc. Etc.

Small arms trickle down with our past obsessions with allegiance, patriotism, & war unknown to covert agendas & too many unknowns.

Then say the names of every homeless veteran & or service member who has died in duty or by suicide. Too many. This war-torn world.


And consumption, addiction, & distraction, sales & marketing, scams & street dealers just doing what We have learned from the tip top of the UNbalanced pyramids.

United States is also #1 in INCARCERATIONS, for much of the same that happens on much bigger scales. ⚖️

Amway or the American Way? This is not Our American Dream.

So much stuff. So much Plastic. Petrol. Bottling companies. It’s in our water. It is choking us out. And our “progress” like fake sugar, has decayed & destroyed the teeth & fabric of our so-called humanity. But remember…

This country was established on slaughter, theft, infiltration, assimilation, dehumanization, & ownership. Sick value. Systems. Repeated. Compounding. Interests.

Power. 🌐

We are not sustaining these ways. 8 billion & counting fast. We are dying for some serious avoidable Struggles. Still. But $low & for profit. While many are barely able to make ends meet. Too many are trapped in soul-selling, planet-destroying jobs for pennies on the profit. Too many have suffered & learned to adapt by dysfunctional systems in more dysfunctional ways.

Hello, mental illness. More pills, profits, & dependency. Hello education, we teach it younger & younger. Sure, I can give you snips of examples, but I am sure you can too.

Which leads us back to Freedom?

8 billion sets of human arms are bigger than all of this. They have to be. Hold them before anyone else breaks one at the place I just started working. Shall I call it out? Starts with an F and ends with an X.

But it may be bigger than joining a slow-moving Union, I hope on Good Grounds & Big Smalls, we know that. There are handfuls of humans who (World) Bank on U$ not knowing that & keeping us squabbling amongst ourselves over petty discrepancies. Those add up. Go bigger.

Real change is bigger than pocket change. I’m sure that has been writ before but should be said again & again until we get it. IT. Knows.

So, I stop here. Before I implode into myself. So many of us & something massive is coming. Please hold on. Please love your children. This is for them. For us. All of Us.

Someone or many ones have got to give.

For Freedom.


Rant over. I’m sorry. Thank you. And I love you.

~ molly ~

Photo by Author | Art Courtesy of ISAAC MURDOCH @stopthemoneypipeline @fightfossils

Juneteenth is more than a day. Still.


Buchholz, Katharina, and Felix Richter. “Infographic: The World’s Biggest Arms Exporters.” Statista Infographics, 14 Mar. 2022, www.statista.com/chart/18417/global-weapons-exports/.

“Arms Sales of SIPRI Top 100 Arms Companies Grow despite Supply Chain Challenges.” SIPRI, 5 Dec. 2022, www.sipri.org/media/press-release/2022/arms-sales-sipri-top-100-arms-companies-grow-despite-supply-chain-challenges.

“The Historical Legacy of Juneteenth.” National Museum of African American History and Culture, 1 June 2023, www.nmaahc.si.edu/explore/stories/historical-legacy-juneteenth#:~:text=Freedom%20finally%20came%20on%20June,newly%20freed%20people%20in%20Texas.



Molly Blythe
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Artist, Free-Writer, Over-Thinker, Conscientious Observer, Photo-Grapher, Ex-Licensed Counselor/Art Therapist, Road Tripper, Dog Lover, Sun Downer ;)