Easy Way, Tough Way

Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

This world is full of ways.

Some are easy, some tough.

Forgetting Maker makes our life tough.

Relying on Maker makes our life easy.

Remembering our maker is the solution to all problems.

It is the easiest way to lead life.

Maker never leaves us nor forgets us.

We disobey Him.

Yet He forgives us if we seek forgiveness.

Life will be peaceful here and hereafter if we follow His way.

His way is straight, simple, and easy.



Fuara Jahan Chowdhury
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

MA in English, freelancer, completed D.H.M.S, practice Homeopathic remedies at home. I write on education, health, religion.