Extreme Attachment Leads To Misery

Mama’s and Papa’s child for a lifetime

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readOct 13, 2022


Photo by Nicholas Githiri: https://www.pexels.com

We love our parents to death. Every child has an unbreakable bond with their parents. That is undebatable.

What I am going to ask is, when do we draw the line? When do we start leading our own lives?

Don't get me wrong. I am no heartless human, asking everyone to cut ties. All I am saying is, we owe ourselves the love we so freely and desperately want to give out to the world.

We forget that we are humans deserving of love, care, and attention too. I often see this undying love and devotion toward a parent in my country, which sometimes has a crippling effect on individuals.

So much so, we do not know where the line between love and abuse disappears.

Giving birth to another human seems to be the most natural yet revered act of kindness and love today. Sometimes I wonder if society has a habitual fondness for romanticizing and overindulging in genuine acts of nature.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com

Ok, now who remembers ‘Life of Pi’? There is a scene where the tiger, ‘Richard Parker’ and the boy on the boat find the shore where both survive. It is here that we can see a stark difference between human and animal behavior.

While Richard Parker silently retires to the closest jungle, without looking back at Pi even once. Patel (Pi) cries and wails in pain at separation from the tiger. The pain also is that after spending the survival period on the boat the tiger didn’t look back even once.

What struck me about this scene was human attachment. The scene stayed with me forever.

photo by Feedyourvision: pexels.com

Being loyal to our parents is a natural human tendency. But when the loyalty and love turn to a severe ‘I can't survive on my own, I want to question our society's rules and regulations for its smooth operation.

When did love turn into co-dependency?

Why do we form co-dependant bonds over bonds of love?

Do we even know what love is? Or are we all just attached to each other?

Is the attachment healthy?

Does being attached give us what we need in life?

(Ok, yes yes, it gives us food, clothing shelter. Is that all we need?)

Are our relationships a source of joy, happiness, strength, and solace, or are they a constant space of confusion, drama, and stress?

Is your attachment to your Ma and Pa a strength or is it unknowingly creating a constraint, a nest you never want to leave?

Can we strike a balance between being attached and letting go?

Do people even know when they fall in love with the nest and it becomes a prison?

I am leaving my readers with the blog I wrote a few years ago. As I revisit that, I am wondering, how much have I grown, or how much did I learn to be in love and yet, learned to let go.



Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am on Medium, to write and be part of a fantastic ever-evolving writer community. Email — neets.miss@gmail.com