Eye Voted

Youse Eyes Have the Means to Make the Bad Guys Lose

Daniel Brenton
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
5 min readOct 28, 2022


Photo by author, combined with an image in the public domain | Wikimedia Commons

Forgive the pun, but I’m here to make a point.

This eye saw the need to vote, and this eye voted.

I am an American.

I see how important this election is.

We all see it.


We are in a time so perilous that to grasp the gravity and depth of it weighs on our hearts and saps our souls.

It is so bad it’s hard to think about.

It really is.

The Bad Guys — and let’s be clear, there are Bad Guys — don’t want us to vote.

They know if we don’t vote, they win.

Between the gerrymandering, the legislation in several states that allow their political machines to freely pick and choose what votes they will honor, and the plague of corruption that has infected every level of government, they will do everything they can to prevent us from voting, and to spoil our ballots if we manage to cast them.

If we see how important this is, we see that we need to vote. And if we’re taking this seriously, we read the room and see what games are being played and we do everything we can to outsmart those that are playing them, and we do it at every step we are able.

We need to do whatever it takes to make that vote count.

I am in Nevada. The relatively enlightened legislature of this state understood the need to allow voting by mail during the first year of the pandemic, and we have all received ballots by mail ever since.

I know who Louis DeJoy is, and I understand what he has done to the United States Postal Service. My mail-in vote side-stepped his ratfuckery by going directly into a supervised ballot box, and Mr. Dejoy’s minions will not be touching it. And rest assured: I will track my ballot to make sure my vote gets counted.

This was the worst of it I had to deal with here. It is vastly harder in Texas, in Florida, and a handful of other states where the corruption has reached the threshold of sliding into the black hole of outright fascism.

Make no mistake: I do understand many of you face a much steeper challenge than I did.

It’s hard to believe that some portion of the 74,000,000 people who voted for our former parasitical “President” in 2020 will somehow wake up and help the nation regroup, heal, and find a way forward that benefits us all.

With the Supreme Court gone rogue, we are only days away from our entire nation making a hard turn into fascism. Our democracy literally depends on broadening the majority of legislative leadership that honors our nation’s democratic values.

This makes it all the more urgent that all of us who can vote do so.

I blame the cause of so many being unable to grasp the reality and severity of our situation on a failure of education, and on the incessant torrent of propaganda aimed at the racist underbelly of this country to continue brainwashing this part of us to support a fascist political agenda.

I blame it on leadership, such as Senators Cruz and Hawley, who fully intend on continuing to exploit these misguided souls for their mindless and conscience-free grasp for power.

And I blame it on a society that has not consistently learned to instill a recognition of values in the upbringing in our young, values that we all need in order to honor our mutual worth, and the worth of the world of which we are a part.

We are not just part of a country. We are a species, part of an global network of ecosystems that are now under threat of collapse because of global warming, a collapse driven by an insane dependence on fossil fuels that is frying us alive, and the vast industry that holds the reins of power and the entire world’s fate in its filthy, greedy hands.

Unchecked, they will sacrifice the entire world on the altar of their greed.

None of this will change until the needs of the people and the needs of the world we live in are honored. Keeping the Bad Guys in power will insure that these needs will never be acted on, or even acknowledged.

You and I both know this is true.

We did not spend tens of thousands of years of civilization and five million years of evolution to squander it all away. We did not fight this long and work this hard to lose everything due to the petty whims of a small fraction of us unwilling to use these marvelous minds and hearts we have all been given to solve problems and find hope rather than create obstacles and incur suffering.

Our creativity as a species is miraculous. We have scaled the heavens; we have learned to harvest power from sunlight and other renewable resources; we have cracked the genetic code and have used it to conquer the greatest threats to our species to date. And we have created a form of governance that, given leadership of those whose understanding of the need for freedom and goodwill for all are uppermost in their minds and intentions, can lead us into a prosperous future.

We have so much potential, for accomplishments, for happiness and fulfillment, for eradicating the ills of our societies and of our species that it is heartbreaking to recognize these things are meaningless to so many of our leaders, and so many of us.

It is long past time for all of us to recognize the gift of our existence and become good stewards of it with the gratitude it deserves, rather than continuing the reckless contempt for ourselves and the world we have dominated, and the apathy that gives this mindset license.

We really can be better than this.

This is our choice.

Be the one who sees the imperative to vote.

Be another eye that votes.

Do you see how important this is?

Do you understand the road ahead if the Bad Guys win?

Maybe you don’t have the time to volunteer. Maybe you don’t have the money to contribute. Maybe you don’t have a voice to speak out. But nearly all of us have the means to vote.

Right now, it’s all on the table.

All of it.

Our rights.

Our society.

Our country.

Our civilization.

Our global existence.

No pressure, but your vote could mean it all.


No pressure.

Copyright © 2022, by Daniel Brenton. All Rights Reserved.



Daniel Brenton
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Seeker, Finder, Gratitude rebel, Political Progressive, Satirist, Author/Creator of The 5 Second Novel. • I write about the Meaning of Existence (and all that).