Feeling Rejected? Me too…

Notes from the Wrong End of Life

Oh, well at least we tried….©richard butchins 2023

Once upon a time we writers used to get rejection letters. Receiving a rejection letter from a publisher was validation that you had done something. Now even rejection letters, or should I say rejection emails are as rare as giraffes on Mars. What do you get? Nothing. That’s what you get.

Most publishers are succinct in telling the aspiring writer that they will only respond if they are interested and they are rarely if ever interested in unsolicited submissions. So, into the electronic void goes your years of struggle to be greeted with an acknowledgement (if you are lucky) and then nothing. Don’t wait- just move on, and on, and on.

We hear the tales of writers receiving mounds of rejections before finally being accepted for publication. Do not be fooled, for every bestselling author who proudly displays their rejection letters like battle scars, there are hordes of aspiring writers whose manuscripts have become permanent residents in the rejection pile. They persist quietly, never hitting the literary jackpot.

It’s a reminder that the success stories, though inspiring, are just the tip of a rejection iceberg. The iceberg itself is a vast submerged world of drowned dreams, efforts, and ambitions that never broke the surface. It’s the vast majority of hopefuls who keep knocking on doors, only to find them firmly shut. The silence which follows your submission isn’t just silence; it’s a symphony of rejection, the haunting melody of unspoken ‘no’s echoing through the void. You start to wonder if your manuscript got stuck in the spam folder, or perhaps the editor is playing an extended game of hide-and-seek with your literary genius.

Yet, my fellow wordsmiths, take heart! In the waltz of rejection, you’re not alone. Many have pirouetted through the same disappointment. It’s a rite of passage, a secret handshake among writers. It is like joining an exclusive club of resilient scribes who’ve faced the abyss of the slush pile and lived to tell the tale.

If you aren’t a celebrity writing a children’s book or even one of those who are busy not ‘writing’ their autobiography or closely related to someone in the industry then rejection is your constant companion.

Embrace it, for every rejection is a badge of honour, a proud scar in the war of words. Each ‘no’ is a stepping stone on the path to literary ignominy. So, let’s celebrate the rejection letters that unchosen invisibility — the unsung heroes that make us stronger, funnier, and, most importantly, more determined to conquer the literary world, rejection by rejection.

After all, who needs acceptance when you can have a rejection letter collection that rivals a bestselling bookshelf? Except, of course, you can no longer even count on getting a rejection. Submission site after site tells you they’ll only contact you if they are interested. They have rejected the rejection.

And what is rejection anyway if not the unsung hero of time management? Forget productivity apps and life hacks; rejection is the ultimate time-saving device, wrapped in the cloak of disappointment and sprinkled with a dash of humour.

Picture this: You submit your brilliant ideas, and your ingenious proposals, and what do you get in return? Rejection! But fear not, because rejection is like the universe’s way of saying, “Hey, I just saved you from spending countless hours on something that wasn’t meant to be. You’re welcome!”

Rejection is the guardian angel of efficiency. Instead of waiting for a response, you get an instant ‘no,’ a rejection memo from the time gods saying, “Move along, my friend, there are better things to do.” It’s like a cosmic post-it note telling you to redirect your energy to more fruitful endeavours, like engaging in the art of making the perfect sandwich or reorganizing your sock drawer.

And let’s not forget the sheer brilliance of rejection as a time-saving tool in the dating world. No need to engage in lengthy conversations or endure awkward dinner dates. A simple rejection says, “Sorry, not my cup of tea,” and voila! You’ve just saved yourself from hours of small talk and potential embarrassment.

Rejection is the Marie Kondo of your schedule, helping you declutter your life from unnecessary commitments. It’s the friend who tells you, “You don’t need that toxic relationship, that unappreciative job, or that uninspiring project.” It’s a time-saving superhero, swooping in to rescue you from the clutches of mediocrity.

Ah, the unsung heroes of rejection, the silent majority whose tales never make it to the spotlight. For every Cinderella story of triumph after rejection, there’s an entire army of individuals who persist in the face of repeated ‘no’s and never quite get their moment in the sun.

Imagine a support group for the rejected, where people share their rejection stories over coffee, each tale more epic than the last. “I submitted my novel ten times, and got ignored, but now it’s living its best life as a doorstop!” It’s a club where the membership is plentiful, but the stories kept hush-hush.

These unsung heroes navigate the labyrinth of rejection like seasoned adventurers, armed with resilience and a penchant for self-deprecating humour. We’ve mastered the art of gracefully accepting defeat while secretly plotting our next move, all the while knowing that fame and success remain elusive.

So, here’s to the unsung millions who keep pushing forward despite the silence, the ‘no’s, and the lack of spotlight. Our stories will never make headlines, but our determination fuels the engine of resilience in the grand journey of chasing dreams, rejection after rejection. After all, not every hero wears a cape; some wear rejection like a badge of endurance in the silent pursuit of their passions.



Richard Butchins: Notes from the wrong end of life
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

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