Snake On A Plane!

Unhinged MAGA rapper blames “Spiritual Attacks” for his faulty devices nearly causing a fire on a plan.

Sweet Honeylu
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readNov 4, 2023


AI image of plane on fire
Image generated by Bing

If you’ve never heard of the rapper, Jimmy Levy, count yourself lucky. He represents the worst of those who have no critical thinking skills and who hunger and thirst for Right Wing Evangelical Fundamentalist Christian Nationalist Authoritarianism. From here on out, I will be referring to him as Fellatio&Blow, because this doofus has Trump’s metaphorical cock so far down his throat it’s sometimes hard to understand him.

This miscreant was featured on America’s Got Talent back in 2020 so I know right from the door that he’s a talentless hack. He decided to jump on the MAGA outrage train back in 2022–23 with his song “Boycott Target” where he and his three other loser friends accused the store of grooming children in their music video because they featured the Pride Flag 🏳️‍🌈 and rainbow color schemes on children’s clothing. This moron and a few other losers went into a Target store as a backdrop for their music video. I’m hoping that all of them received a lifetime ban from all Target stores but that’s wishful thinking on my part. Target isn’t going to feed into the outrage by giving these morons any more publicity than they’ve already received.

Boycott taget on YouTube

Moving on

So that’s their backstory. Now, one of the morons may have nearly caused a plane to engulf in flames. To be fair, it was one of his faulty devices for charging laptops and cellphones.

According to his official statement of events, Fellatio&Blow was sound asleep waiting for takeoff when he was woken up by extreme heat emanating from his backpack began wafting over him. He originally said that he had it under a seat. He got up, threw the backpack to the ground, and proceeded to stomp out the flames. The flight crew, upon seeing what was going on, sprang into action and began putting out the flames with water bottles as evidenced by the video footage. I don’t think he gave a word of thanks to the flight crew for their actions. All glory to Jesus for doing absolutely nothing, but I digress.

Usually, a story like this would be just another uneventful headline you scroll past in a sea of endless articles, but it was his following statements after the fact that caught my attention.

Jimmy Levy also known as Fellatio&Blow on X

Here’s what he had to say on his X account.

Screenshot by author on X


So basically, he believes it was the devil who attacked him by causing the battery pack to explode?

He also gives credit to Jesus for delaying the flight so that the fire wouldn’t have been started while they were up in the air. If that’s the case, why wasn’t the devil smart enough to wait for the plane to take off first? Is he that incompetent after all these thousands upon thousands of years in existence “seeking whom he may devour”?

Screenshot by author from X

And why didn’t Jesus just prevent the fire from happening in the first place?

Makes no sense.

If you listened to a video interview he gave with another news outlet, he sounds rational and not unhinged at all and gave a rational reason as to what caused the fire to begin with. As soon as he got on his accounts on Instagram and X, his rationality went out the window as well as his brains.

Given that the MAGA faithful do not have a solid grasp on reality and have a penchant for lying, it would not surprise me to find that his telling of events was mostly imaginative.

I predict that this developing story is just going to get weirder and weirder.

We are not dealing with mentally and emotionally stable people.

Thanks for reading🌺

Further Reading:

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Sweet Honeylu
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.