Forget About Consistency, First Start to Love Your Writing

Medium is for Writing not for Striving

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

Medium doesn’t tolerate inconsistency, if you want to succeed genuinely, then the rule of thumb is to write at least one article daily and engage with other writers by leaving meaningful comments under their works

While reading it you might start playing a cinematic scene in your head thinking, it’s easy

Just a few friendly words under a post and done! Right?

But the reality is daunting as always

Writing on Medium is like riding a rollercoaster of emotions, some days you’ll wonder why you’re putting yourself through all this shit?

On other days, you’ll be filled with enthusiasm about your decision to join Medium.

Seriously, I sometimes think about those folks who don’t earn a single penny from Medium,

What kind of questions arise in them when they face frustration due to writer’s block, inconsistency, and falling short of their monthly goals?

The answer is simple — they have devoted themselves to this platform and even without receiving any tangible rewards, they enjoy writing here

Medium provides an opportunity to showcase their voice freely through words that are often unheard, untold, or can’t be explained verbally.

Speaking of those nagging questions I mentioned above, tbh, we all have been a victim of those emotions

And the best way to deal with those voices in our head is to stop overthinking and start writing.

Instead of getting stuck in endless thoughts, if you just begin your writing, there would be another piece ready to get published

Honestly, this month has been so boring to live in, and my articles are one of the only reasons for my excitement,

And those comments, aha…!

Witnessing readers genuinely engaging with my content and offering positive feedback fuels my late-night writing sessions until 2 a.m.

Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

How I deliberately failed to be productive today?

As in my previous articles, I have mentioned that I’ve got a whole week of holidays ahead,

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

I’m not sure what my college was thinking while giving these holidays, but I like the fact that I’ll be now getting enough time to write and engage on Medium.

But my entire plan got flopped due to my poorer mindset

I had a grand plan of being super-productive, like tackling household chores, studying for my upcoming exams, and of course, writing one article on any topic after completing my studies.

I made this routine, especially to prevent late-night writing sessions as it really distorted my sleep schedule, and I woke up early in the morning.

So, I thought during my holidays I would spend the whole afternoon writing my drafts and at night I would edit and publish it

However, due to my weaker mindset, I failed to be as productive as planned.

But there’s some good news

I have figured out what caused my setback, and next time, I’ll ensure to stay on track and complete my tasks as intended.


In the end, I would like to offer some wisdom to the newbies out there.

Sometimes you may feel like you’re not in the mood to write an article,

And that’s perfectly fine.

It is necessary to give yourself some time to think about other aspects of life, even I also give myself a day off when I’m out of content ideas,

But let me signal something important here.

If you’ve once stepped inside this consistency game and you’re damn serious about making your mark via writing on medium,

Don’t turn your back on it

Because once you leave this writing battlefield, you’ll feel the regret of leaving soon and the pain will be 10 times stronger than facing any writer’s block.


Stay resilient. Stay true to yourself. Never give up on your words

What are your ways to stay consistent in this diverse community?

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