From Athens to Us: The Timeless Lesson of Hercules' Weakness

Hercules' story is a testament to human vulnerability

God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJun 21, 2024


Photo by Simone Pellegrini on Unsplash

Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, had a weakness that led to the birth of Hercules, who was strong in both human and god form. They called people like Hercules demigods, near perfection but not quite. However, as seen in the movie "Hercules," he had a weakness similar to his father’s, a susceptibility to women. Despite his loyal friends and warriors who sang his praises, Hercules had no ambitions, seeing himself only as a tool to help and serve others. People exploited this selflessness, and his fame grew beyond his control.

But when his name became more powerful than the king he served, like Saul seeking to kill David, Hercules' beloved wife and children were taken from him. Even after leaving royalty, he refused to speak of his loss to his friends, and his weakness began to show in his weariness of life and fighting. He saw life as meaningless, but couldn't reveal this to those who believed in him as a strong and immortal demigod.

A woman eventually exploited this weakness to achieve her father's dream of becoming the king of all Greece. Hercules hid his vulnerability behind a tough exterior, but this story teaches us that being weak is not always a bad thing. In fact, it takes boldness to admit weakness and be human. People often pretend to be strong to hide their weaknesses, even when they need help.

In academics, the weak are often seen as those who fail, while the strong succeed. But life shows us that even the weak can become powerful by embracing their vulnerabilities. As I’ve grown older, I’ve realized that people are tired of pretending to be strong all the time. They want to be normal, to be human, and to find peace in their weaknesses. So, remember, sometimes when the going gets tough, it’s okay to go soft. Don’t be like Alexander the Great, who lost his life refusing to show weakness. Embrace your humanity and find peace in your limitations.



God'sgift Oghale Amos
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am a simple "Parent Expert Doctor" me is all about Parenting+Family+Life+Tech+Children+Philosophy+Entrepreneur(ship)....+God!