Genocide: The Disease That Spreads Like Wildfire

How many acts of worldwide genocide can you name?

Robert Pacilio
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Protestors hoping to end genocide.
Photo by Kuzzat Altay on Unsplash

There is no subject more gut-wrenching than war and its evil twin — genocide. So I write this with a heavy heart. I won’t drag you through the images that newscasters often warn viewers that sound something like this: “The images you are about to see are disturbing.”

That is the understatement of all understatements.

Of course, the mass slaughter of people, often innocent women and children, is disturbing! However, I write this essay as a wake-up call to those who may not know the spread of genocide in our 2024 world.

I know that Gaza immediately comes to mind. Over 30,000 have died since Israel retaliated on October 7th, after 1,200 of its people were mercilessly killed. Certainly, a proportional response was called for and required because of the hundred-plus hostages taken by Hamas.

However, a proportional response has not been the motivation of Israel’s leader Netanyahu. His motivation is to wipe out Hamas, and to accomplish this, he is more than willing to perform a type of chemotherapy on all the people in the Gaza Strip. Since Hamas does not wear “uniforms” of a conventional war — the bombardment has been indiscriminate.



Robert Pacilio
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

San Diego County “Public School Teacher of the Year.” (32 year veteran) Author of five novels & a memoir available on Amazon and at