Get to Know the Republican Presidential Front Runners!

GOP campaign platforms translated into plain English

Jeffrey Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Donald Trump close-up image from Gage Skidmore on Wikimedia Commons; 2023 Republican presidential debate image from Gage Skidmore on Wikimedia Commons

Politics can be a sticky wicket. It’s easy to get lost in the political jargon and lose track of what the myriad candidates are actually saying.

When the motley crew of Republicans seeking the party’s 2024 presidential nomination take the stage for their next debate on November 8th, we’ll undoubtedly be barraged with empty cliches, hyperbole, and sloppily tossed word salad slathered in Russian dressing. Viewers may walk away with a throbbing headache or crippling nausea, but no better understanding of the candidates vying to hasten the demise of western Democracy as we know it.

As a public service, I have translated the campaign platforms of the Republican presidential front runners into plain English.

Donald J. Trump

Current Status

Criminal Defendant; Civil Defendant, Recreational Golfer; Collector of Rare Documents

Prior Experience:

President, United States (2017–2021); Game Show Host (2004–2015); Bankruptcy Baron (1991–2016)


