God is the Problem

And would definitely benefit from therapy

Elaine Gilmartin
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Sudarshan pixabay

by Elaine Gilmartin

What distinguishes Christians, Jews, Muslims, Mormons, and other followers of monotheist faiths from sinners, liars, thieves, cheaters, abusers, and murderers?


No, there is one thing.


Their collective arrogance lies in their respective convictions their God gives them proximity to power, that they are somehow special, that their belief system is the right one, the superior one that can be imposed on others.

Arrogance to claim you can know something you actually cannot, arrogance that your subjective faith entitles you to assert authority over others.

As a philosophy major in college debating Epistemology, Natural Law, Existentialism, the works of Wittgenstein, Aquinas, and de Beauvoir with classmates who were seminarians, I found logic had a shelf life.

You would keep hitting a wall with tradition, bible quotes. How did they ‘know’ there is a holy trinity? Well, God revealed that to us.

Circular arguments, we know God because God revealed that to us through men who wrote scripture, each somewhat different of course because everything is open to interpretation even when it…



Elaine Gilmartin
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

A therapist by profession, a runner by passion, a writer by necessity.