Habits That Help You Build Confidence and Worry Less

The power of building systems…

Yash Sharma
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
2 min readJun 28, 2024


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Building confidence isn’t easy.

It’s lonely. No one is rooting for you. You question yourself. And you give in. So what’s the solution? Simple.

Focus on developing habits that bring confidence, not drama.

Don’t worry. I’ve covered for you two powerful habits to start with.

Show up every fucking day

I used to be a perfectionist.

I wanted everything in an organized manner. And it made me sick for years because I wasn’t getting results.

I was procrastinating a lot. And I felt life was beating me over and over again. But then, I put that mindset aside. And do what’s required. I started showing up every day at 4:00 am and write. Fast forwarding, I am doing my job — I get up and get to work. I keep things simple.

There is no other alternative but to work. You can try affirmations and 2 hours of morning routine. But If you’re not putting in the work, you suck.

I hope you choose wisely.

Win Big

In the past, I didn’t play to win. I had confidence that I could dominate, but deep down, I knew I was fucked. And when I failed over and over again. I realized that winning is all that matters.

I had a mindset shift. And I started playing to win. Then, In every game, I had a different intensity and focus. Everyone appreciated me. So, wherever I go, I want to win. Otherwise, I can’t sleep.

I don’t know about you.



Yash Sharma
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.