Half of Republican Voters…

Only Half Won’t Vote for Trump If He’s Convicted… What?


Photo by the author

If convicted, Trump could lose the right to vote. Look at that again… The Republican presumptive nominee for POTUS could be elected in an election for which he would not be able vote if he’s convicted. What is wrong with this picture?

I genuinely cannot wrap my head around this… Y’all MAGAs are still planning to vote for him. Some of you are saying you’ll “probably” change your mind if he’s convicted in one of his FOUR (4) Federal criminal trials. You watched him try to burn it all down — he set America on fire. But,, you can only muster a “probably” won’t vote for him?

Is this how American democracy ends?

Democracy can fall… yes, even in America. If you think our America can survive another term of Trump in office, you’ve not been paying attention. Listen to the words that are coming from his mouth telling you he’ll “be a dictator on day one.” You’re ignoring the things he already did the last time.

He is not speaking Venusian. He’s barely even speaking English. Trump’s only language is one of greed and fear and anger and hate.

Oh… but yay! Half of Republican voters will think about not voting for him if he’s convicted in one of…



Author, D. Denise Dianaty
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

"Life's joys are found in the small moments. Never let those moments pass uncelebrated. Embrace the joy!"~MomzillaNC