Happy Father’s Day From The Cat

Lesson 81: Peaceful coexistence between a dog and a cat makes for riveting entertainment

Ken Van Camp
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
4 min readJun 19, 2024


Man holding dog, wearing stubborn Biewer Terrier Tricks t-shirt
Daddy and Keke show off their Father’s Day t-shirt

Dear reader: Sunday was Father’s Day in the U.S., and Daddy received a t-shirt from Zoey, the cat who lives in exile in our spare bedroom. The shirt was accompanied by the following letter, which I found humorous and bordering on truthful. I am, therefore, publishing it below without alteration in my blog, Keke’s Guide to Training Your Human. Faithfully, Keke

Dear Daddy,

I present to you today a t-shirt I found that captures some of the pleasures of your relationship with the playful family pup, Keke. Truly, life wouldn’t be the same without her slobbery kisses and purposeful ignorance of your commands. And how could I possibly contain my excitement over another day of her endless barking and tireless enthusiasm?

Let me begin by stating how much I admire her aptitude for greeting you with total devotion and suicidal fervor. There is nothing more exciting than watching a game of puppy roulette as she jumps about the top of the couch with wild abandon, challenging the ability of gravity to send her toppling to the floor while expressing her undying faithfulness.



Ken Van Camp
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Ken Van Camp may not be the perfect human, but he's trainable. At least that's what Keke says! Ken is the author of Keke's Guide to Training Your Human.