Harris and Haley in 2024!
Time for a Female Executive Ticket
Dear America,
It seems that my recent post on Arnold Schwarzenegger for President struck a chord, as they say, with the mainstream media!
I have yet to hear a direct response to my proposal that Arnold Schwarzenegger be A) A Republican candidate, or B) a write-in option.
Yet on a recent CNN Michael Smerkonish interview with Elaine Kamarck, the pundit and the professor discussed the — excellent — suggestion that President Biden and Trump be replaced on their party tickets, as the kids say, by Kamala Harris and (Ed.: If The Terminator ain’t available) Nikki Haley.
I don’t want to entertain ageist bias (none of us are getting any younger :-).
And from what I hear, despite all the hand-wringing your current President is generally having a very successful first term in Office.
Nevertheless, wouldn’t it be great to tackle the difficulties in your current partisan politics at an oblique angle, and finally elect a female President?
Perhaps then you could end your divisive rhetoric and party politics.
I know we, at least (if I may speak for the rest of the world), would sleep better at night.
Therefore, I suggest that for 2024 Pamala Harris (or, if you insist, Nikki Haley) run for President in 2024, with Haley (or vice versa) as her running mate.
I wonder what Putin would think of that?
Sweet dreams :-)