Have You Been Ignoring Your Plants?

Our plants do everything for us from providing decor and ambiance to lighting up a room.

Sweet Honeylu
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Picture generated by Bing AI generator. Woman talking to her plant.
Picture generated by Bing AI generator.

Friend link for a friend 🌸

Lonely plant life.

When was the last time you talked to your plants? How long has it been? I’ll wager you probably have never had a kind word to say to it or otherwise. Not one word of greeting. Have you ever stopped to think about how your houseplant feels being ignored and taken for granted day after day or how it feels to be stuck in a pot day after day? Plants can be quite sensitive.

Now, before you pick up the phone to call a help hotline, and ask for a “wellness check,” and lest you think I’m going totally insane, remember there are people who talk to their pets. There are people who are actually convinced that their pet hears and understands them.

Consider the Houseplant.

The houseplant is always there for us, but are we there for them? They provide decor and ambiance. They pull in carbon dioxide and change it to oxygen. Now, that’s pretty badass. Plants literally filter out the air in your living room and kitchen. That’s a superpower I wish I had. They totally brighten up a room, and what do they ask in return? Not much. Just a little water, a little sun. Keep the cat from digging and pissing in their pot. Cat piss is a plant killer. Sometimes, you just wanna grab the spray bottle and let them have it full stream.

Scat! Photo by Bing image generator.
Scat! Photo by Bing image generator

Plant dress-up.

It’s not the plant’s fault it doesn’t have a mouth to make words. They communicate in other ways. Maybe we’ll have to get creative. We’ll have to figure out ways to make the plant more personable, more…oh, what’s the word I’m looking for…. human?
I know! Let’s put googly eyes on them. Think that’ll work? Googly eyes😂.

Googly eyes gardener YouTube.

That ought to do it. Why not? What better way to give your plants more personality than googly eyes? I mean…. Look at them. Doesn’t that look like they want to talk or crack a joke? Imagine seeing their googly eyes first thing in the morning. How could you possibly have a bad day after that? But be careful which plants you give googly eyes to. Some of them can be pricks.

Now that we have that nailed down, and lest we forget that Halloween is around the corner, let’s think about hats. What’s a houseplant with googly eyes without a hat? Now, we don’t need anything fancy or too heavy. We don’t want to break the plant, so let’s go with something light. Maybe a fedora made out of felt or a stocking cap knit out of yarn. We could always go with a beanie from the heel of a decorative sock. Let’s see what we have so far.

Photo by Bing image generator
Photo by Bing image generator


Now, we are ready to communicate and connect with our plants. Sweet! It’s gonna be a bit difficult to explain why you can’t take them with you when you go out for a night party, but they’ll eventually come around and see your side of things.
Don’t be afraid to bear your souls and confide with your flora friends. Tell them everything. How your day was, who do you hate at work, and justification for the bone-chilling chainsaw massacre in your kitchen when you butchered and chopped all those veggies to make that last salad you ate🤨. That’ll need some real explaining.


You know what, I do need that intervention. Go ahead and make that call😑.

Thanks for reading🌺

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Further reading:

Talking to plants could save their lives — here’s how (



Sweet Honeylu
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.