How a Progressive Government Would Work

A brief treatise on how to govern a free people.

Kevin Putzier
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Basil James on Unsplash

How does a progressive government ideally look? What are its duties? And where are the lines drawn?

I’ll start with the last of those first, as it defines the rest.

The lines are drawn where the personal begins. The personal may and in fact, will influence the political, but it cannot dictate it. This means that the rights of humans should be part of both the specific and implicit guarantees for government. A bill of rights, such as we have but much more explicit, is therefore an absolute necessity.

This also implies, and should be defined to be explicit, that government only has the power and authority explicitly given it by the founding documents and the will of the people. This means extreme fences on authority, but also that said authority is very strong within those fences.

Therefore the government’s duties are to maintain the greatest degree of personal freedom possible for the people while seeing to and protecting their general welfare. Note this. I said the people, not their various non-governmental organizations. Those would be either subject to regulation or entirely outside of the government’s purview, depending on their purpose.



Kevin Putzier
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I am a practicalist, which means I take political and social ideas from all sides and try to find what works. Mostly Progressive.