How Does Your Success Taste?

Mine tastes salty

Mogaji Martins
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readMay 10, 2023


Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash

My funny answer to the question asked in the title is down below this article.

Read along, until you get the joke.

Success is often portrayed as a culmination of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

It is a destination many of us aspire to reach in various aspects of our lives, whether it be in our careers, relationships, or personal achievements.

However, success is not solely measured by external factors or material gains; it is also an experience that carries a distinct taste.

In this personal exploration, I will delve into the flavors and sensations that success has brought into my life, reflecting on my journey, the lessons learned, and the advice I would offer to others seeking their taste of success.

Let's start with

The Bitterness of Failure:

Success gains its unique flavor partly from the bitter aftertaste of failure. Like many others, I have encountered my fair share of setbacks and disappointments along my path to success.

These failures, though challenging, have been instrumental in shaping my character, teaching me resilience, and fueling my determination to strive for something better.

The bitterness of failure serves as a reminder that success is not always immediate, and it requires perseverance and the willingness to learn from mistakes.

Another one is

The Savory Blend of Hard Work and Sacrifice:

Success rarely comes without significant effort and sacrifice.

The long hours, sleepless nights, and missed opportunities create a distinct savory flavor in the journey toward achievement.

Reflecting on my own experiences, I have realized that the satisfaction derived from success is enhanced by the knowledge that I have poured my heart and soul into my pursuits.

The taste of success is made richer by the understanding that I have pushed beyond my limits, embraced challenges, and made sacrifices along the way.

Let's take a look at

The Sweetness of Achievements:

As the bitterness and savory elements fade, success reveals its sweetness, an exquisite reward for one's dedication and perseverance.

Each milestone achieved brings a sense of fulfillment, contentment, and pride. Whether it is reaching a professional milestone, accomplishing personal goals, or nurturing meaningful relationships, the sweet taste of success acts as a powerful motivator to keep striving for greatness.

Now that's short but very explanatory. You can take a minute to go back and read it again.

Oh, you're back.

Awesome, let's move to the next.

The Spiciness of Stepping out of Comfort Zones:

Success is not confined to the realms of familiarity and comfort. It often requires embracing the unknown, taking risks, and stepping out of our comfort zones.

The spicy flavor of success stems from the exhilaration and thrill of exploring uncharted territories.

It pushes us to discover new strengths, develop innovative ideas, and navigate unfamiliar circumstances.

Embracing the spiciness of success adds excitement and growth to our journey, making the taste of triumph even more satisfying.

Let me drop this before I conclude.


Personal drive and determination are vital ingredients for success, it is essential to recognize the impact of collaboration and support along the way.

The umami flavor of success arises from the collective effort, shared knowledge, and encouragement provided by mentors, colleagues, friends, and family. Collaborative endeavors allow us to draw inspiration from others, leverage their expertise, and create a more fulfilling and impactful journey toward success.


In the pursuit of success, it is crucial to savor the diverse flavors that accompany the journey.

Embracing the bitterness of failure, the savory blend of hard work and sacrifice, the sweetness of achievements, the spiciness of stepping out of comfort zones, and the umami of collaboration and support add depth and richness to our experiences.

As I reflect on my path, I have come to realize that success is not solely defined by external achievements but also by the personal growth, resilience, and satisfaction derived from the journey itself.

For the answer to my Title, as I started in my subtitle. Mine tastes salty in a delicious way.

Even though I bite my tongue with some stones mixed in, I swallow the taste of success to fill up my belly.

A piece of advice:

My advice to those seeking their taste of success is to embrace failures as valuable lessons, be prepared to put in the necessary hard work and make sacrifices, celebrate every milestone achieved, and venture beyond comfort zones.



Mogaji Martins
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Songwriter / Scriptwriter / Music lover / Movie lover / Entertainment lover.