How Google Killed the Blog

And what you can do about it

J.J. Pryor
Pryor Digital
Published in
22 min readFeb 7, 2024


A giant robot Google attacking bloggers
Created with DALL·E 3

“Never before in history have 50 designers made decisions that would have an impact on two billion people” — Tristan Harris, former design ethicist at Google

Google turned 25 in September 2023. Its gift to the world? A giant middle finger to how the internet operates, neatly packaged as the ‘Helpful Content Update.’

Google pitched this update as a noble crusade for quality.

The idea was simple: help the 8 billion searches a day prioritize content created for people, not just for the sake of ranking high in search results.

On paper, it sounded like a digital utopia — a place where the user’s quest for genuine, valuable content would always be satisfied. But beneath this Potemkin Village of user-centric improvement, the update harbored a more complex reality.

It was a response to an endless battle against the deluge of low-quality, search-engine-optimized (SEO) content that clogs the arteries of the internet.

Google was attempting to clean house and bring back a sense of authenticity and reliability to search results.

How did they change how articles appear in search?

  1. User-first approach
  2. An emphasis on authenticity and…



J.J. Pryor
Pryor Digital

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