How Journaling Fuels Growth From Thoughts to Transformation

Write every day as a habit, you’ll soon start to see the advantages

Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Image by the author via Canva

How many times have you decided to start journaling? Perhaps you kept it up for a week or two, and then something got in the way, and you stopped.

For me, that has happened a lot. Not too long ago, while cleaning out a drawer, I came across several journals that I had started writing in, but I abandoned them a few weeks after starting.

I have to confess that I’m not good at journaling or meditation. I find it hard to get into the practice of either of these forms of learning more about myself.

Journaling is a great tool that few people fully use. Some may regard it as a frivolous waste of time. However, journaling has numerous benefits, and a surprising percentage of highly successful people make it a daily habit.

Writing can help you learn a lot about yourself and better understand your life. It has a mystical quality that thinking alone lacks.

While you can type your journal into a computer, most individuals prefer to write on paper. Writing by hand helps with learning and memory.



Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m a blogger, writer, and interested in helping people find answers for living their best life. I also write on