How The Lovers Tarot Card Can Be A Great Inspiration For Writing

The Lovers is all about alignment, choices, and values.

Miriam Rachel
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
7 min readAug 22, 2022


Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

The Lovers tarot card in the Major Arcana is closely associated with love, relationships, and Gemini's zodiac sign. Additionally, the Lovers represent values, choices, and alignment.

The Lovers represent a powerful bond between two individuals.

They can also symbolize lovers, such as Adam and Eve, or lovers throughout time; this couple has quite a symbolic history.

What The Lovers Represents On A Deep Level

The Lovers Tarot card from the Penguin tarot deck by Miriam Slozberg, all rights reserved.

The Lovers tarot card represents an Androgynous figure holding hands with another male and female individual: they embrace each other in unity and balance.

The white eagle from the Emperor card; its wings cover their privates. A black-cloaked male looks away from the Lovers; on his cloak, you can see “deep red” colored blood.

A red-cloaked female figure on the far right side also looks away from the lovers.



Miriam Rachel
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

Freelance Writer, Blogger, Virtual Assistant, Tarot Reader, and Mental Health Advocate. Owner of Tarot Talk pub among 2 others!