How to Conquer Comfort Zone ( Even If You’re Scared)

Without pain and suffering — you remain a kid…

Yash Sharma
2 min readMay 3, 2024
Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Giving up again and again.

It has become a new norm for you to take the fifth.

And now you’re wondering — how will I get my shit together?

Sometimes, it takes more than just wondering.

You have to sit down with pen and paper to identify the core issues.

Make an obstacle list

Laziness isn’t the issue.

Pain isn’t the issue.

The issue is — your mindset:

  • Consistent overthinking
  • Doubt
  • And lack of planning

So, stop wondering, it isn’t working anymore. It’s time to dig deep.

Sit down.

And make a list of causes that stop you from getting there. You might feel shame writing down, but that’s okay — you’re gonna get stronger.

Otherwise, you’ll never reach where you want to.

Make a plan to conquer your list

When I was struggling to get up at 4:00 am, I didn’t have any plan to tackle the demons.

One day, I got fed up and decided to conquer the 4:00 am club.

Here’s how I prepared myself:

What If I don’t get enough sleep? I’ll think rationally and push myself out of bed.

What if I argued with my girlfriend? That’s okay, but why have you started? Get the shit done.

What if I don’t feel like showing up? Take a pause, think rationally, and do what’s required. Action takes over the feeling.

What if I don’t have the motivation? Sometimes, you have to work without purpose.

And I’m telling you, making a strategy to handle every dominating thought helped me conquer the 4:00 am club for 2 months.

And now you’ve to do the same for your demons.



Yash Sharma

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.