How to Create a Framework for Lasting Personal Change

Consider your feelings the next time you have a persistent suspicion that something is quite right.

Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Image by the author via Canva

The last couple of years have been a bit difficult with lots of changes I’ve had to deal with in my life. I retired from my job, had to have an operation, lost my sister suddenly, and had to deal with other ups and downs.

So as a result, I wanted to find a way that I could adjust to any future changes so that I don’t end up frustrated and angry. It seems that there is a frame work for dealing with change and so I thought I would share what I discovered.

Personal change begins inwardly with an adjustment in perspective. The subsequent exterior changes stem from this interior foundation. So, now that you know where to begin, how do you go about implementing these changes in your life?

To truly achieve personal development, multiple important steps must be completed. This does not imply that change must always occur slowly; rather, all substantial shifts will follow this sequence, regardless of how long the process takes.

The Six Stages of Personal Transformation

1. Awareness. Nothing will change until you recognize that something has to change. This stage can develop over time.



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