18# Grind’n’Hustle

How to Create What You Want in Your Life

Natural goodness and bounty of life

Ikada Mario
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Fredy Jacob on Unsplash

Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you.

Creative visualization is the technique of using your imagination to create what you want in your life. There is nothing at all new, strange, or unusual about creative visualization. You are already using it every day, every minute.

It is your natural power of imagination, the basic creative energy of the universe that you use constantly, whether or not you are aware of it.

In the past, many of us have used our power of creative visualization in a relatively unconscious way. Because of our own deep-seated negative concepts about life, we have automatically and unconsciously expected and imagined lack, limitation, difficulties, and problems to be our lot in life.

To one degree or another, that is what we have created for ourselves.

Right now, since what I’ve been talking about in this platform is self-development I guess I'm obligated to also share the essence of the overall knowledge.

This is about using your natural creative imagination in a more and more conscious way, as a technique to create what you truly want — love, fulfillment, enjoyment, satisfying relationships, rewarding work, self-expression, health, beauty, prosperity, inner peace, and harmony. . . whatever your heart desires.

The use of creative visualization helps me to tap into the natural idea of goodness and the bounty of life.

Imagination to create an idea or mental picture. This is to create a clear image of something you wish to manifest. Focus on the idea or picture regularly, giving it positive energy until it becomes objective reality . . . in other words,

Until you achieve what you’ve been visualizing.

Try to get a feeling in yourself that your mental image is possible; experience it as if it is already happening. Simple exercising, perhaps two or three times a day or whenever you can think about it.

Find the sincere in your desire and intention, and truly open change, soon or later it is becoming easier and more flowing.

It should be noted here that this technique cannot be used to control the behavior of others or cause them to do something for you. This is not a magic spell. This is embracing the positive aspect and manifestation.

For me, creative visualization is magic in the truest and highest meaning of the word. It involves understanding and aligning yourself with the natural principles that govern the workings of our universe and learning to use these principles in the most conscious and creative way.

. . .

It sounds cultist a little bit but I promise you I am not spiritual. I am a proud Christian Orthodox, put it simply…

Once you do so, it may seem that you are working miracles in your life... and truly will be!

