How to Get Yourself Start Doing Something You Really Want

Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs
3 min readAug 12, 2022

A friendly reminder for you: Just do it!

Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash

Do you remember the euphoric feeling from the sudden urge to get your life together at the most random hour of the day? Some of these include promising yourself to start working out, dieting, studying, making crafts, and so on. But once it is time to start doing them, all of your motivation suddenly disappears, as if it never existed in the first place.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Of course, you will feel guilty after not fulfilling a promised wish or plan. So, you will promise something to yourself again after some time. This cycle of promising plans and not doing them might be difficult to break, but not impossible.

The desire to do something you “like” will slowly vanish over time if it is from an impulsive decision. These short-term wishes or plans are something you want or need for a short period of time. They will lose all of the initial precious value you gave them once you realize you don’t actually need or want them.

How would I know if it is something I really want or just an impulse desire?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Give it some time

You will cherish anything you truly desire regardless of time; whether days, weeks, months, or years have passed. Impulse desires last for a shorter time than you think. If you find yourself wanting to do something, give it some time before accomplishing them. It depends on one’s preference or situation on how long one should wait to realize if it’s an impulse or not.

Personally, I give it at least a week. Most of my plans nowadays are not urgent so I do not mind leaving them for some time. If I am still inclined to do something after a week, then maybe it is not an impulse desire. Conversely, if I do not like it, then it’s most likely just an impulse urged by stimulating circumstances.

Does it really matter if it’s an impulse or not?

Photo by OPPO Find X5 Pro on Unsplash

No. It is not necessary to determine if your plans are from genuine desires or impulses. If you want to do something, literally just do it, given that you already have the time, motivation, peace of mind, and resources to do it.

Do you want to draw something? Draw it.

Do you want to write a fictional work? Write it.

Do you want to wake up early to exercise? Then, do it.

It is easier said than done but your plans will not work by themselves alone. Who knows? Maybe some of your impulsive desires will help you discover some of your hidden potentials and interests.

Hi, reader! How do you get yourself to start doing something and beat procrastination? You may share your insights/experiences. I would be glad to read them.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Have a nice day ahead! ♥

