How to Kickstart Your Day When You Feel Lazy

Make the most of every day and avoid wasting time. Being lazy won’t help you live your best life!

Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Image by the author via Canva

I have to admit that I can be lazy, especially when it comes to challenging work. I can find all sorts of excuses for not doing something I need to do.

Do you find yourself being lazy sometimes and avoiding what you need to get done?

There will be days when we don’t feel like doing much of anything. The occasional lazy day is acceptable, but something must change when it becomes a regular occurrence.

Successful people are skilled at encouraging and inspiring themselves to take action every day.

Whether this is pure luck or an acquired skill for those people is debatable. However, there is little doubt that we can learn to stop laziness.

Here are Some Ways to Boost Motivation:

1. Be More Open to Failure. Maybe you aren’t being lazy. Perhaps you’re postponing out of fear of failure. Fear of failing can sap your energy and cause you to rationalize reasons for not accomplishing anything at all. Accept failure as a normal part of life.

2. Recognize That Life is Short. We all have enough time as long as we do not squander the time we have. You can do a lot between now and the end of your life, but only if you value and maximize your time. It is simple to postpone problems…



Lorna Harvey
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs

I’m a blogger, writer, and interested in helping people find answers for living their best life. I also write on